Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bramer family ~ October 2007

One year has already passed since this photo was taken. In honor of the 50th wedding anniversary on November 1, 2007, for my mother & father in-law, we had family photos taken at Spring Grove park in Jamestown, MI, in October 2007. My dearest friend, Sandy took time out of her schedule to to do a photo shoot with us. I brought my camera along also to snap pics of the kids. Sandy and I own matching cameras, but she has since acquired an even finer tool!

In this photo: Bramers: Dave, Vicki, Courtney(next to Vicki) & Kelsey(left of post); Jelsmas: Mary, Scott & Christine(right of post); Bramers: Bob & Joyce; Bramers: John, Kim, Jessica(right of post), Nick(left of post) & Nate.

The photo shown on our blog includes Nick Liza and Pola 'Amy' Rhee. Nick and Amy lived with us from August 2007 - June 2008. Nick went to school 4th - 10th grade with Courtney. His parents are missionaries in Quito, Ecuador. He lived with us his first year of college to save money. He is in his second year of studies at Kuyper College & Calvin College. Amy was an exchange student from Seoul, South Korea, and was a senior at Calvin Christian High School. It was her 3rd year in the US, her 2nd year at CCHS, & her 1st year with us. Amy's first year in the US was spent in Many, LA. This year she is at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA.

additional photos:

1 comment:

chris said...

Hi, I was searching the Bramer's online and ran across yours. I am the widow of Gary Bramer. I wonder if we are in some way related? We are from Ohio, Gary's family is from WV and his ancestors came to the US from Germany. My email is cbramer3@comcast.net.