Suffering is a part of every day life. This person has more than usual. Gifts that will last forever are the best. The 12 days of Christmas offer just that. It is one of the best sources of love you can give at a time of suffering. example:
1st day ~ A Partridge in a pear tree - the pear tree symbolizes the cross; the partridge, Jesus Christ. A mother partridge risks her own life to save her chicks by luring predators away from the nest. (Because of the works of Christ on the cross we become righteous with God again and inherit God's kingdom ~ Peace of mind.
2nd day ~ Two turtle doves - represents the old and new testaments, but also may represent the doves that were required as an offering when a male child was dedicated in the temple at the age of 12 in the Jewish religion. Our sufferings can be offered up to Our Heavenly Father and use the experience to help others.
3rd day ~ Three French hens - symbolizes the trinity but also may stand for the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity-faith is powerful if you place it in Jesus Christ. He will see you through.
4th day ~ Four calling birds - the calling birds represent the four Gospels in the bible; passages from them are very comforting and teach us how we should live when we suffer.
5th day ~ Five golden rings - these are said to represent the first five books of the old testament,
6th day ~ Six geese a laying - eggs symbolize new life, the geese stand for the six days of creation described in genesis.
7th day ~ Seven swans a swimming - graceful swans symbolize the seven gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit we receive when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior as listed in the 12th book of Romans.
8th day ~ Eight Maids a milking - Milkmaids, as humble servants are suppose to represent the Beatitudes listed in Matthew 5:3-12
9th day ~ Nine ladies dancing - The nine ladies symbolizes the fruits of the Holy Spirit as listed in Galatians 5:22. This is a great verse to give to someone who is sick.
10th day ~ Ten Lords a leaping - symbolizes the 10 commandments.
11th day ~ Eleven Pipers piping - The pipers are the eleven disciples who remained faithful to Christ.
12th day ~ Twelve drummers drumming - Drummers establish the rhythm for marching. They symbolize the 12 doctrines listed in the Apostles' Creed. With all this said, the teaching of this song can be comforting.
The "True love" in the song is the love that God gave to us, his only son, to bear our sins so we could have eternal life. This song symbolizes the peace of Christ and will last a lifetime and not for a short while with empty results.
Each day a symbol can be given ie; bird in a tree branch, slippers for dancing ladies, treasure chest for lords a leaping, an angle or ornament with a flute for the pipers, a drum, a milk can for maids a milking, etc with explanations of each and let her decide what she wants to learn or take from it.
To save paper copy & align this list into TWO columns * * * * * 12 Days of Christmas OPTION 1 * * * * *
All around we searched,
in the trees and fields for a sound.
The pear trees were bare,
not a partridge perched.
To the market we went and found
pears for you to share.
We ask you, where might you look
for a Turtle Dove times two?
The candy aisle we took,
To find a sweet treat for you.
French Hens, whether in China or France,
Really do taste just like chicken.
Do you have a soup craving, per chance?
Ramen Noodles at the quicken.
Four colly birds are calling out to you;
is it possible they like trail mix too?
If you can get them in your sight,
You will see, they are coal black as night.
Are they rings of golden jewels,
Or rings on the neck of a bird?
Who knows the origin or rules?
Rings of candy would be preferred.
Six geese have laid
very special eggs for you to eat.
Don’t be dismayed.
They are a gourmet jellybean treat!
Seven swans were swimming in the sun.
Did they come when we called? No, not one!
Calling out like a swan, all we got were the hiccups.
One grace filled verse to replace each swan are 7-Ups!
** Eight maids milking a cow with a bell.
What to do with a pail of milk so sweet?
Together they made some caramel.
These tasty morsels are so good to eat.
The maids were all milking,
the milk foaming like suds
then they all vanished
leaving behind "Milk Duds".
Nine ladies dancing all in a line;
they are so elegant and divine.
Twirl, kick, shuffle and stroll…
Their tootsies are on a roll.
Ten lords a leaping, reaching for the moon.
Gathering stars so brite along the way.
Across the sky stardust was strewn,
as starburst made a colorful display.
** Eleven pipers piping such a happy song.
Here’s a small flute for you; join in and play along.
After bringing smiles to all who can hear.
Enjoy a piping hot cup of cocoa cheer.
Eleven pipers piping outside your door.
With air so cold their fingers can play no more.
Put on the kettle get the water piping hot.
A savory cup of cocoa should hit the spot.
Grab some cups and fill them with care
With friends it’s always nice to share.
Twelve drummers loudly drumming,
playing a rat-a-tat –tat from afar,
will surely give you a headache!
This gift will keep you humming.
A chocolate symphony candy bar
and a CD for you to partake.
* * * * * * * * * * OPTION 2 * * * * * * * * * *
All around we searched,
in the trees and fields for a sound.
The pear trees were bare,
not a partridge perched.
To the kitchen we went and browned
Some loaves made with pear.
We ask you, where might you see
a turtle dove times two?
From the deck the doves did flee,
So chocolate for you!
French Hens, whether American or French,
Really do taste just like chicken.
You might need some flavoring in a pinch
It’s Swanson Broth at the quicken.
Four colly birds are calling out to you;
is it possible they like trail mix too?
If you can get them in your sight,
You will see, they are coal black as night.
Is it five rings of golden jewels
or rings on the neck of a bird?
Who knows the origin or the rules?
Pineapple rings would be preferred.
Six geese lay quietly in their nest.
Suddenly they made a hasty retreat
when one silly goose honked to the rest;
leaving jelly bean eggs for you to eat!
Seven swans were swimming in the sun.
Did they come when we called? No, not one!
Calling out like a swan, all we got were the hiccups.
One grace filled verse to replace each swan are 7-Ups!
Eight maids were milking a cow with a bell.
What to do with so many pails of milk?
Together they made some caramel.
These tasty morsels are as smooth as silk.
Nine ladies dancing all in a line;
They are so elegant and divine.
Twirl, kick, shuffle, and stroll…
Their tootsies are on a roll.
Ten lords a leaping, reaching for the moon,
gathering stars so brite along the way.
Across the sky stardust was strewn
as starburst made a colorful display.
Eleven pipers piping outside your door.
With air so cold their fingers can play no more.
Put on the kettle, get it piping hot.
A savory cup of cocoa should hit the spot,
or a pot of coffee you might brew
to warm up this noisy crew
Twelve drummers beating with cookie sticks
playing a rat-a-tat –tat from afar.
Can they pirouette and do some kicks?
That would be deserving of a gold star!
* * * * * * * * * * OPTION 3 with Alcohol * * * * * * * * * *
All around we searched,
in the trees and fields for a sound.
The pear trees were bare,
not a partridge perched.
To the market we went and found
pears for you to share.
We ask you, where might you see
a turtle dove times two?
With a verse of Serenity,
an ornament for you.
French Hens, whether American or French,
Really do taste just like chicken.
Do you have a fast food craving to quench?
Its KFC at the quicken.
Four colly birds are calling out to you;
is it possible they like trail mix too?
If you can get them in your sight,
You will see, they are coal black as night.
Is it five rings of golden jewels
or rings on the neck of a bird?
Who knows the origin or the rules?
Pineapple rings would be preferred.
Geese have a rather unique attitude.
Gathering six of them might be trying.
Grey Goose Vodka celebrates gratitude,
with perfection there is no denying.
Six geese lay quietly in their nest.
Suddenly they made a hasty retreat
when one silly goose honked to the rest;
leaving pink eggs behind for you to eat!
Seven swans were swimming in the sun.
Did they come when we called? No, not one!
Calling out like a swan, all we got were the hiccups.
One grace filled verse to replace each swan are 7-Ups!
Seven elegant swans swimming for the King.
Cold mist rises as they glide along.
A shot of Seagrams 7 adds a warm zing.
Can you hear them bellow a swan song?
Eight maids were milking a cow with a bell.
What to do with so many pails of milk?
Stir in eggs for a flavor so swell.
Spice or not, your Eggnog will be like silk.
After dancing with nine ladies full of flair,
You might find it hard just to stroll
Relax your tootsies, put on cozy loungewear,
soak away…it’s good for the sole.
Ten lords a leaping, reaching for the moon.
Far above the houses, leaping aloft,
Starbucks Coffee signs lighting the way,
Sugar cookies waiting, chewy and soft.
Eleven pipers piping outside your door.
With air so cold their fingers can play no more.
Brew a pot of coffee, get it piping hot.
A cup of Seattle’s Best should hit the spot.
Grab some cups and fill them with care
With friends it’s always nice to share.
Twelve drummers beating with cookie sticks
playing a rat-a-tat –tat from afar.
Can they pirouette and do some kicks?
That would be deserving of a gold star!
* * * * * The following should be copied with your page laid out in LANDSCAPE mode with SEVEN equally spaced columns, It is for the 7th day.
It is designed to wrap around a 2 liter bottle. I like to use green paper. (I also have a wrap design for 12oz cans or single bottles)
Wake Up!
Decide to have a good day.
This is the day
that the
Lord hath made;
let us rejoice
and be
glad in it.
Psalms 118:24
Dress Up!
The best way
to dress up
is to put on
a smile.
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
“The Lord
does not look
at the things that Man
looks at.
Man looks
at outward appearance
but the Lord looks
at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7
Shut Up!
Say nice things
and learn
to listen.
God gave us
two ears
and one mouth,
so He must
have meant
or us to do
twice as much listening
as talking.
“He who
his lips
his soul.”
Proverbs 13:3
Stand Up
…for what you believe in.
Stand for something
or you will fall
for anything.
”Let us not
be weary
in doing good;
for at the
proper time,
we will reap
a harvest
if we do not
give up.
as we have
let us
do good…”
Galatians 6:9-10
Look Up!
…to the Lord.
“I can do
through Christ
strengthens me.”
Philippians 4:13
Reach Up!
…for something higher.
“Trust in the Lord
with all
your heart,
and lean
not unto
your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him,
and He
will direct
your path.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
Lift Up!
…your Prayers.
Do not
worry about
pray about everything.”
Philippians 4:6
* * * * * * * * * * Labels for Each Daily Gift * * * * * * * * * *
The “partridge in a pear tree” is
Jesus Christ
who died on a tree
it is a gift from God.

The “two turtle doves”
are the Old and
New Testaments;
another gift from God.
The “Three French Hens” are
faith, hope,
and love;
the three gifts
of the spirit
that abide.
1 Corinthians 13
The “four calling birds”
are the four Gospels
which sing the song
of salvation through
Jesus Christ.
The “five golden rings”
are the first five books of the Bible
also called the
“books of Moses”.
The “six geese
a-laying” are
the six days
of creation.
The “seven swans
a swimming”
are seven gifts
of the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 12:8-11
Romans 12,
Ephesians 4,
1 Peter 4:10-11
The “eight maids
are the
eight beatitudes.
The “nine ladies dancing” are
the nine fruits
of the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 5:22-23
The “ten lords
are the
Ten Commandments.
The “eleven pipers piping”
are the eleven
faithful disciples.
The “twelve drummers
drumming” are
the twelve points
of the Apostles’ Creed.